
Sharsheret contributes to national research on a by-invitation basis with federal agencies and major cancer centers, and partners in research studies and evaluations to strengthen support programs for women and families facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer.

Research projects:

  • The LINK Program – Enhancing and Sustaining Structured Support Services for Jewish Young Women Diagnosed with Breast Cancer: CDC Cooperative Agreement to evaluate, enhance, and scale up interventions for young Jewish breast cancer survivors.
  • Georgetown University Lombardi Comprehensive Cancer Center Research Collaboration: To design and conduct a comprehensive formal evaluation of The LINK Program interventions.
  • Thriving Again – Life After Breast Cancer for Young Jewish Women: CDC Cooperative Agreement to address unmet structured support services and education needs of young Jewish breast cancer survivors.
  • Breast Cancer in Young Women Project: Evaluation Study, conducted with Sisters Network, Inc., to identify, strengthen, and promote real-world, evidence-based interventions that provide psychosocial and reproductive health support to young Ashkenazi Jewish and African American breast cancer survivors.

Clinical trials and research studies play an important role in our understanding and treatment of breast cancer. The impact of clinical trials and research study findings can be significant for you and the public at large.

Sharsheret participates in studies and evaluations to strengthen our core programs.  Recent studies include:

Participating in a clinical trial or research study is a personal decision. Click here for a list of resources that can guide you in deciding whether participating in a clinical trial or research study is appropriate for you and which trials and studies are available.  Please consult with your medical team before participating in any clinical trial or research study.

Find Resources About Clinical Trials and Research Studies

Read Transcript of “Clinical Trials in a New Age: What You Need to Know”

Read Transcript of “Clinical Trials in a New Age: How You Can Connect”