Sharsheret Pink Day 2025

Wednesday, February 12, 2025

What is Pink Day?

Sharsheret Pink Day is a worldwide initiative spearheaded by students, communities and organizations to unite and raise awareness of breast cancer and ovarian cancer through a wide range of educational and fundraising events.

Sharsheret, the only national not-for-profit organization dedicated to addressing the needs of women and families of all Jewish backgrounds facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer, celebrates its 17th annual Sharsheret Pink Day across more than 200 schools, companies, organizations and synagogues worldwide. Pink Day is a global awareness and unity movement that brings together thousands of people to share information about Sharsheret’s vital programs and services and raises awareness about breast cancer, cancer genetics, and generates life saving conversations.

During Pink Day, campuses across the country run programming and the options for your programming are endless. At Sharsheret, we  are here to help you create programming that fits your unique community! Check out our Sharsheret On Campus programming page for some ideas to get you started.

Request the 2025 Sharsheret Pink Day Guide for program ideas, tips, our marketing toolkit, and Pink Day speaker guide.  Remember to post pictures on social media! Through one picture on social media, you can reach and raise awareness among hundreds of new individuals. 

For more information contact Director of National Outreach, Ellen Kleinhaus: [email protected].

Contact Us


There are so many ways to show your support and join our worldwide movement! Wear pink, host an event, post on social media and follow us @Sharsheretofficial on Instagram!

 Request our 2025 Sharsheret Pink Day Guide for program ideas, Sharsheret tips, a marketing toolkit, and a Pink Day speaker guide.

Request the Pink Day Toolkit, Resources and Giveaways

  • Describe your program and share how many students you expect to attend
  • MM slash DD slash YYYY

For questions and more information, email Ellen Kleinhaus, Director of National Outreach at [email protected].


Remember to tag us on Instagram @Sharsheretofficial


Sharsheret Pink Day 2025 Partners

Middle Schools and High Schools: 

Akiba Yavneh Academy of Dallas, TX
Ben Porat Yosef, NJ
Beth Tfiloh Dahan Community School, MD
Brauser Maimonides Academy, FL
Bruriah High School, NJ
Chicago Jewish Day School, IL
Donna Klein Jewish Academy, FL
Epstein Hillel School, MA
Gann Academy, MA
Gesher Jewish Day School, VA
Hadar High School for Girls, FL
HAFTR High School, NY
Hebrew Academy of Nassau County – High School, NY
Hillel Torah North Suburban Day School, IL
Ida Crown Jewish Academy, IL
Jack M. Barrack Hebrew Academy, PA
Kehillah Jewish High School, CA
Lehrman Community Day School, FL
Ma’ayanot High School, NJ
Maimonides School, MA
Marsha Stern Talmudical Academy, Yeshiva University High School for Boys, NY
New England Jewish Academy, CT
North Shore Hebrew Academy High School, NY
Pressman Academy, CA
RASG Hebrew Academy, FL
Ramaz Upper School, NY
Rochelle Zell Jewish High School, IL
Rosenbaum Yeshiva of North Jersey, NJ
SAR High School, NY
Shalhevet High School, CA
Shulamith High School, NY
Stella K. Abraham High School for Girls (SKA), NY
Tenafly Chabad Academy, NJ
The Frisch School, NJ
The Kehillah School, CA
The Leffell School, NY
The Moriah School of Englewood, NJ
Torah Academy of Bergen County, NJ
TVT Community Day School, CA
Yavneh Hebrew Academy, CA
Yavneh Academy, NJ
Yeshivat He’Atid, NJ
Yeshivat Shalshelet, NJ
Yeshiva University High School for Girls, NY
Yeshivah of Flatbush High School, NY
YULA Girls, CA

Colleges and Universities: 

Achayot- San Diego State, CA
Alpha Epsilon Pi Fraternity-Indiana University, IN
Breast Cancer Awareness Association at the University of Wisconsin-Madison
Challah for Hunger-UCLA, CA
Meor-Temple University, PA
Stern College, NY
UCLA Genetics Club, CA
Yeshiva University, NY

Alpha Epsilon Phi Sorority 

Adelphi University, NY
American University, D.C.
Arizona State University, AZ
Binghamton University, NY
Boston University, MA
Buffalo State University, NY
Concordia University, MTL
Cornell University, NY
Elon University, NC
George Washington University, D.C.
Hofstra University, NY
Illinois State University, IL
Indiana University, IN
Northeastern, MA
Ohio State University, OH
Rowan University, NJ
SUNY Oswego, NY
Syracuse University, NY
Temple University, PA
Tulane University, LA
UC of San Diego, CA
UMass Amherst, MA
University of Arizona, AZ
University of Central Florida, FL
University of Connecticut, CT
University of Florida, FL
University of Illinois, Urbana Champaign, IL
University of Maryland, MD
University of Massachusetts, MA
University of Michigan, MI

Hillel International

Barnard College, NY

Colorado State University, CO
Columbia University, NY
Beach, CA
Brandeis University, MA
Broward and Palm Beach, FL
Florida International University, FL
Hamilton College, NY
Johns Hopkins University, MD
New York University, NY
Metro Chicago, IL
Northwestern University, IL

Penn State, PA
San Diego State, CA
University of Arizona, AZ
University of Miami, FL
University of Maryland, MD
University of Southern California, CA
University of Toledo, OH
University of Washington, WA

Chabad on Campus

Brandeis University, MA
Indiana University, IN
Michigan State, MI
San Clemente, CA
Syracuse University, NY
University of Albany, NY
University of Wisconsin-Madison, WI


Anshe Sholom B’nai Israel, IL
Beth Jacob, CA
Beth Tikvah Congregation, IL
B’nai David Judea, CA
Chabad of SCV, CA
Congregation Beth El, NJ
Congregation Beth El, MD
Congregation Beth Shalom, CA
Congregation Neveh Shalom, OR
Congregation Shir Ha Ma’alot, CA
Congregation Gates of Heaven, NY
Kehillat Israel, CA
Kehilat Kesher, NJ
Nusach Hari B’nai Zion, MO
Sinai Temple, CA
Temple Beth Ami, CA
Temple Beth El, IL
Temple Menorah, CA
Temple Ramat Zion, CA
The Jewish Center, NY
Orangetown Jewish Center, NY
Valley Beth Shalom, CA
Young Israel of Bal Harbour, FL
Young Israel of Century City, CA


Ariel Jewish Center, MD
Bala Glitz, PA
BBYO-Kochavim, CA
Boston Consulting Group, IL
Challah Back Girls, NJ
Classy Feet, PA
Dough & Dips by Debbi ~ Artisan sourdough bread, PA
Flower tales, PA
Fresenius Medical Care
Hamsa Wellness Community, MO
Horizon BCBS Shalom Affinity Group, NJ
Ilyan Fink, PA
JCC of Cleveland, OH
Jewish Federation of Northern New Jersey, NJ
Jewish Fertility Foundation, GA
Karen Wellington Foundation for LIVING with Breast Cancer, OH
Kippah Korner, PA
Leah’s Creations, PA
Levin Wine, PA
Living on Purpose LLC, PA
Mary Kay Cosmetics, PA
Makeup By Penina, PA
Onit’s Flyers, PA
Personalized by Dale, PA
Rales JFS, FL
The Shalom Institute, CA
The Sweet Trading Co, PA
Wavywonders, PA
YT Jewelers, PA

Moishe House

Georgetown, D.C.
Harlem, NY
Midtown Miami, FL
Park Slope, NY
San Diego, CA
Seattle, WA
Triangle, NC
Upper East Side, NY
Upper West Side, NY


Thank you to our Sharsheret Pink Day sponsor: