Mission Statement

Sharsheret’s Mission: Support, Education, Information

Sharsheret’s model of online and telephone-based programming enables us to continue to serve our community and to meet the recent increase in demand for our life changing and lifesaving services. We provide much needed emotional support, mental health counseling, critical education, and financial subsidies. Sharsheret cultivates community by bringing together women, families, caregivers, healthcare professionals and others through national webinars offering expert medical information, healthy living opportunities, and Jewish spirituality experiences for thousands of Jewish women facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer in our communities.

Mission Statement

Sharsheret, a national non-profit organization, improves the lives of Jewish women and families living with or at increased genetic risk for breast or ovarian cancer through personalized support and saves lives through educational outreach.

While our expertise is in young women and Jewish families as related to breast cancer and ovarian cancer, Sharsheret programs serve all women and men.