Establish a Jewel 2024

Join the Jewel Circle

Sharsheret’s exclusive Jewel Circle welcomes those most dedicated to improving and saving the lives of women and families facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Jewels commit to annual gifts of $5,000 and above, sustaining and expanding an over $9 million dollar budget and enabling thousands locally and across the country to benefit from one-on-one support and community-wide education and training programs.

The Jewel Circle also offers you, your family, and your friends meaningful opportunities to recognize loved ones while supporting Sharsheret’s critical services. Additionally, the Jewel Circle features special naming opportunities with gifts of $125,000 and above.

The Jewels in Sharsheret’s Chain of Support

As a member of the Jewel Circle, you will be prominently recognized throughout the year and enjoy unique opportunities, including personalized online dedication, tickets to Sharsheret Benefits and Galas, guaranteed Team Sharsheret coveted race slots, and participation in exclusive Jewel briefings with Sharsheret’s CEO and experts in the field.

Join the Jewel Circle

For more information, please contact Sara Steinberg at [email protected]


Thank you to the following Sharsheret Jewel donors who have become part of our elite Sharsheret Jewel Circle. Our Jewels are the major gifts that support our over $9 million dollar budget and have enabled us to take on new initiatives and sustain core programs.


Amgen Oncology




Cindy and Robert Citrone

Ilana and Jason Cuttler

Elefant Family

Shevet Glaubach

Sol Goldman Charitable Trust

Lois J. Oestreicher A”H

Maxwell Sedel Family Foundation in memory of Rae Sedel

Florence and Laurence Spungen Family Foundation

Benay and Steven Taub in memory of Rochelle Shoretz A”H

Sherry and Robert Wiener in memory of Dorothy and Arnold Helfand and in honor of their beautiful family


Danielle and Avi Aronovitz

Max and Anna Baran, Ben and Sarah Baran and Milton Baran Endowment Fund of the Jewish Community Foundation of Los Angeles

The Heimann, Polis and Sacks Families in memory of Manfred Heimann

The Gorlin Family Foundation in support of Sharsheret

Barbara and Fred Kort Foundation

The Marcus Foundation in support of Sharsheret

Micah Philanthropies

Arielle and Donny Rosenberg in honor of Sara Altman

The Silvermintz Family in honor of Suzy Merin and Sydney Silvermintz

Florence and Laurence Spungen Family Foundation


Vivian and Stanley Bernstein in support of Sharsheret

Dr. Patricia and James Cayne z”l in support of Sharsheret

Joy, Michael, Amanda, Melissa and Jennifer Goldsmith in honor of all the brave women who fight with courage and dignity and the family and friends who give them the strength to do so.

The Lucius N. Littauer Foundation in support of Sharsheret

The Schanzer Family in memory of Ellen Bernstein Schanzer

Slomo and Cindy Silvian Foundation, Inc.

The Terumah Foundation in support of Sharsheret

Dr. JoAnn Zell in support of Sharsheret


Ariella and Jon Eltes

Stacey Mullins Garbowit and Kevin Garbowit

Katie and Josh Gruenbaum in honor of Linda Gruenbaum, Naava Parker and Lauryn Weiser

Barbara Goldberg in memory of Michael Goldberg

Tamar and Eric Goldstein in memory of  Mira Koschitzky

Lizzy and Dr. Jules Greif

The Heller Family

Heather Long

Jordanna and Marc Nadritch

Elisa Perlman in memory of Lainie Zuckerman A”H and in honor of Rebecca Taghioff

Dr. Alise Reicin and Robert Boiarsky

The David and William Upham Foundation in honor of Kim Mehlman

Susan and Cliff Wagner

The Wasserman Family in memory of Michelle Daman Wasserman

Stacey Weiss


Anonymous in honor of Sari Abrams

Shari and Dr. Robert Alter

Debbie and Julio Berger in honor of Sydney and Daniel Silvermintz

Drs. Gaya Aranoff and Lewis Bernstein

Rena Cole and Ephraim Bernstein in memory of Sara Olshin

Jeannie Blaustein and Peter Bokor

Amy Byer Shainman, BRCA responder

Ellen Doft and Alex Katz

Drs. Nina and Jonathan Epstein in memory of Sara Olshin

Erwin Rautenberg Foundation

Dr. Melissa Frey and Mac Levine

Shaina and Matthew Giller

Josh Goldberg

Anonymous in honor of Daniel Gorlin

Karen and Jeff Goss

The Herman Forbes Charitable Trust in support of Sharsheret

The Howard S. and Deborah Jonas Foundation

Becky and Avi Katz in support of Sharsheret

Stacy and Ranon Kent

Joan S. and Leon Meyers Foundation in support of Sharsheret

Courtney Mizel in support of Sharsheret

Naava and Jeffrey Parker in honor of Hana Goldberg

Teresa and George Robot

Grace and Dr. Martin Rosman in honor of the volunteers at Sharsheret

Juliet and Dr. Torin Rutner

Donald and Judy Schermer in honor of Ilene Schermer Cantos

Dr. Liora Schultz and Dr. Ari Tuchman

Harriet and Heshe Seif

Barbara and Mendy Silber

Randi and Michael Silvermint

Sheila Baran Spiwak and Alan Spiwak

Judith Weintraub Trust In honor of Melissa Pelcovitz

Rita and Howard Weiss

Alissa and Sammy Zagha in support of Sharsheret

Dr. Sara and Keith Zakheim


Anonymous in honor of Elana Rosman

Sari Abrams and Rabbi Yosef Kanefsky  

Nicole and Raanan Agus in support of Sharsheret

Evelyn Baran and Gloria Baran in honor of Sheila Spiwak

Amy and Jonathan Bergner

Kathi Barnhard and Gary Hiller

Virginia Bayer and Rabbi Robert Hirt

Karen and Dr. Yaakov Beilin

Nancy and Scott Beiser

Shifra and Dani Bendheim

Naomi and Andrew Berkowitz

Katz Bick Family

Sarah and Michael Blum in memory of Margarey Blum

Sari and Stuart Braunstein

Brown, Altshule and Vazana Families in honor of Jenna Fields

Ashley and Lawrence Buterman

Judy and Sloane Citron

Jaclyn and Dr. Joshua G. Cohen

Lauren and Alexander Crane

Phyllis and Dr. Joseph Eisenman in honor of their children, grandchildren and great grandchildren

Tobah and Dr. Shea Farkas in memory of Rina Blima Bat Yitzchak

Lindsey and Gary Fields in memory of Lillian Fields

Michele and Donny Frenkel in honor of Michele’s Birthday

Carri Garelick and The Garelick Family Foundation in memory of our dear friend, Judy Smith z’l

Florie and Shai Gasner in memory of Minde and Jack Diamond

Miriam and Michael Gervis

Amy and Daniel Gibber in memory of Mildred Krasner, Eva Rosenberg Kate Goldner and Ruth Gibber

Ashlyn and Daniel Gorlin

Miriam and Dr. Alan Greenspan

Helen Grevey in honor of Abbi Hertz

Orit and Seth Gribetz

Robyn and Shukie Grossman in recognition of Refuah Sheleima for Chava bat Dalia Hinda

Suzanne and Barry Gurvitch

Jennifer Haberman and Michael Shoretz

Suri and Marc Helwani in honor of Jordanna Nadritch

Abbi Hertz and David Krauss in honor of Liana Schwarz

 Aliza Herzberg and Jeffrey Klores in honor and memory of Sara Olshin

Lisa and Joshua Hofheimer

The Holzer Family Foundation

Shulamit and Avram Holzer in memory of Esther Semmelman

Shira and Dr. Ari Hoschander

Marcie and Scott Howard

Rachel and Alan Jacoby

Esti and Benjamin Kaminetzky in memory of Sara Olshin

Katz Amsterdam Charitable Fund

John Kaupp

Renee and Michael Kohan

Kolatch Family

Amy and Harlan Korenvaes

Edy and Jacob Kupietzky

Dr. Amy Kusske and Dr. Jonathan Goldin

Amanda Nussbaum-Laifer and Daniel Laifer

Howard and Irene Levine Family Foundation

Amanda and Dr. David Light

Alyse and Adam Mandel

Rachel and Azi Mandel

Rebecca and Benji Markoff in honor of Alissa and Sam Zagha and Mia and Brad Markoff

Ronay and Richard Menschel

Suzy and Lon Merin in honor of Sydney, Daniel and Maya Silvermintz

Karen and Yisrael Meyer in honor of Elisheva Strauss

Cindy and Bruce Miller in honor of Jordana Altman

Rachel and Shlomo Mirsky

Flora and Morris Mizel Foundation in honor of Amy Kusske

Kathy Murray

Sonja and Gary Nadritch in honor of Jordanna Nadritch and in memory of Linda Pulitzer

Marnie and David Nagel

Carol and Melvin Newman in honor of Shari Lindenbaum

Jane and Daniel Och

Dr. Adena Osband in memory of Arthur Osband

Yvette Ostolaza in honor of Josh Hofheimer

Shannon and Andrew Penson in memory of Heidi Weisel

Ellen and Rabbi Dale Polakoff

Linda Neuman-Potash and Bruce Potash

Dr. B Aviva Preminger

Gail Propp

Marni and Morris Propp in honor of Gail Propp and the Propp family 

The Rifkin and Gelnick Family in honor of Dr. Mark Sultan

The Robert G. and Ellen S. Gutenstein Family Foundation in honor of Lauren Gutenstein

Hertzberg, Knoller, Levine, Rochlin, Rudoff, and Sugarman Families

In Memory of Ellen Schanzer

Nicole and Robert Sacks

Shari and Jacob M. Safra

Ilanit and Dr. Stuart Samuels

Tammi and Bennett Schachter in memory of Elaine Gold

Melodie and Martin Scharf

Michal and Yaniv Schiller

Sheri and Arnold Schlesinger

Miki and Shmuel Schreiber

Stacy and Jeff Schwartz

Renee and Joseph Septimus

Stanley Shalom Zielony Foundation

Sari and Yaakov Sheinfeld in honor of Marsha Sheinfeld

Chana and Dan Shields in memory of Esther Holzer Semmelman A”H

The Sigel Family Charitable Trust

Jennifer and Mark Smith

Anne-Cecilie and Rob Speyer in honor Dana Norris

Naomi and Bob Spira in honor of Kim Kushner

STARDOC Pediatrics

The Steele Foundation

Debra and Marvin Sternberg

Jody and Ari Storch in honor of Eric Gomberg’s Amazing NYC Race

Benay and Steven Taub in memory of Rochelle Shoretz

Sari and Jay Tepper

Chanie and David Tilis

Whitney and Dior Vass and Family in memory of those who lost their lives in the attack on Israel on October 7th, 2023

Ellen and Stanley Wasserman in honor of the Bat Mitzvah of Allie Zisholtz and in memory of Oma Vivian Zisholtz

Penina and Thomas Weinberger

Lauryn and Dr. Kenneth Weiser

Hennie and Shimon Wolf

Sherry Wilzig Izak

Meredith and Kenneth Yager

Raquel and David Zeitz

Linda and Jay Zucker