Our Stories

Sharsheret Stories and Blog Posts

Find inspiration, hope, support, and critical information in these stories featuring the women and families in our chain – the faces of Sharsheret. Hear more Sharsheret stories by connecting with a peer supporter, someone who shares a similar story to you.

Latest Blog Posts

From College Philanthropy to my Personal BRCA Journey

When I was 18, I was a freshman at the University of Florida, excited to pledge Alpha Epsilon Phi,…

I Made the Decision to Have a Preventative Double Mastectomy Even Though I Do Not Have the BRCA Gene Mutation

Tick, tick, tick. That's the sound I heard in my head for years, every time I looked at myself…

BRCA1, BRCA2, and Breast Cancer: Not Just a Women’s Issue

When we think of breast cancer, it's often seen as a concern only for women. However, breast cancer…

Taking Control through Preventive Health

As busy professionals, parents, caregivers, and friends, we’re often focused on living one choice…

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