An Evening of Wonder: The Extreme Magic of Eric Wilzig An Evening of Wonder: The Extreme Magic of Eric Wilzig Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Cell Phone*My gift will be made by:CheckCommunal FundStock TransferCryptocurrencySponsorship Levels $100,000 Visionary: 12 months of emotional support and mental health counseling for 100 women $50,000 Pillar: 1 semester of lifesaving cancer educational programming on 75 college campuses $25,000 Guardian: Financial support for 10 women going though cancer treatment $18,000 Partner: Online support group and workshops for 18 women living with metastatic cancer $10,000 Benefactor: 2 nationwide cancer webinars featuring top medical experts $5,000** Patron: Cultural competency trainings for 400 medical professionals caring for Jewish women $2,500 Supporter: Healthy living, nutrition, and fitness packages for 25 cancer survivors $1,000* Contributor: Makeup kits and tutorials for 10 women $500 Donor (includes 2 tickets) $250 Friend (includes 1 ticket) My Gift This gift will be matched by my employer’s matching gift program. I am interested in learning more about Sharsheret’s Legacy Giving program. Check here to make your gift in memory of Sharsheret’s Founder Rochelle Shoretz A”H. My gift is in honor of Kim Kushner My gift is in honor of Amy Mines Tadelis My gift is in honor of Dr. Caryn Gamss My gift is in honor of Dr. Stacey Tashman