Florida Gala – Register by Donor Advised Fund, Check, Stock Transfer and Crypto Currency Florida Gala Donation by Donor Advised Fund, Check, Stock Transfer and Crypto Currency To donate with a credit card, click here.Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email* Cell Phone*My gift will be made by:* Check Donor advised fund Stock Transfer If donor advised fund, please specify name of fund:Gift Levels:* $25,000 - Diamond Jewel $18,000 - Emerald Jewel $10,000 - Sapphire Jewel $5,000 - Ruby Jewel $2,500 - Benefactor $1,800 - Guardian $1,000- Patron $500 - Supporter** $360 - Two tickets $236 Two tickets Young Leadership (30 and under) $180 - Couvert $118 - One ticket Young Leadership (30 and under) *With a donation of $5,000 and above, we welcome you to Sharsheret’s annual Jewel Circle. Learn more at www.sharsheret.org/jewelcircle. ** All gifts of $500 or more received before November 16th include 2 tickets and will be recognized in the Gala Program. I am:Able to attendNot able to attendName(s) of Attendee(s)Number of AttendeesPlease list my name in the program as: (for gifts of $500 or more)Tribute My gift is in honor of Ilanit and Dr. Stuart Samuels My gift is in honor of Tzippi and Adam Rosen My gift is in honor of Deedee Bitran Please contact me for more information about my employer’s matching gift program. I am interested in learning more about Sharsheret’s Legacy Giving program. Please send your donations to Sharsheret at 1086 Teaneck Road, Suite 2G, Teaneck, NJ 07666. For stock transfers, please use the following information: Investment Firm: Alex.Brown / Raymond James and Associates Account Name: Sharsheret Inc. Account Number: 6111N574 DTC Number: 0725