In Honor of the Marriage of Ariela Balk and Benito Esquenazi

Dear Family and Friends,

We are honored to choose Sharsheret as one of our wedding donation options in lieu of gifts.

Sharsheret, Hebrew for chain, is a national cancer organization that serves 70,000 women, families, health care professionals, community leaders, and students, in all 50 states. Through 12 free national programs, Sharsheret provides culturally relevant support and information to women and families facing breast and ovarian cancer before, during, and after diagnosis. In addition, they educate and raises awareness nationally about breast and ovarian cancer and cancer genetics.

Your donation will honor us by helping this worthy cause we both believe in and help ensure that no Jewish woman or family will face cancer alone. Thank you for celebrating with us!

With love,

Ariela & Benito

Donate in Honor Of Ariela & Benito