A Healthy Modern Twist on Shabbat Dinner with Jake Cohen
Inspired chef Jake Cohen, author of his first cookbook, JEW-ISH: A Cookbook: Reinvented Recipes from a Modern Mensch (coming Spring 2021), will show us innovative healthy dishes for a delicious modern twist on the traditional Shabbat dinner. This program is part of the “Sharsheret in the Kitchen” series, which brings nutritious kosher meal options to our holidays to help empower all of us at risk for breast and ovarian cancer to make healthy diet choices. You can find Jake on Instagram and TikTok @jakecohen.
Watch Jake make his Apple and Honey Snacking Cake here.
Click here for Jake’s recipes and recommendations from this webinar.
Click here for a written transcript of A Healthy Modern Twist on Shabbat Dinner with Jake Cohen.
This program is made possible with generous support from and The Cooperative Agreement DP 19-1906 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention