Sharsheret in the Kitchen – Recipes and Tips for a Healthier Passover with Ilana Muhlstein, MS, RDN
Join us for this FREE national webinar. Dietitian Nutritionist, Published Author, Educator, and Mom, Ilana Muhlstein, MS, RDN, creator of 2BMindset™, will show us delicious recipes and share helpful tips on how to enjoy a healthier Passover. This program is part of the “Sharsheret in the Kitchen” series, which brings nutritious kosher meal options to our holidays to help empower all of us at risk for breast and ovarian cancer to make healthy diet choices.
Follow Ilana on Instagram, TikTok, and visit her website.
Click here for Ilana’s recipes from this webinar.
Click here for Ilana’s recommendations from the webinar.
Click here for a written transcript of Sharsheret in the Kitchen – Recipes and Tips for a Healthier Passover
This program is made possible with generous support from and The Cooperative Agreement DP 19-1906 from the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention