In-Person Pedal for Pink DAF To secure your bike by credit card, click here.Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email* Cell Phone*My gift will be made by:* Check Communal Fund Stock Transfer Sharsheret's TAX ID is 13-4198529Your gift will help support Sharsheret's programs and services:* $1,800: Bike reservation for the PSNY event** $2,500: Healthy living, Nutrition, and Fitness packages for 25 cancer survivors $3,600: Makeup Kits and Tutorials for 20 Women $5,000*: Nutrition coaching with a trained Dietitian for 10 Men & Women Matching Gift This gift will be matched by my employer's matching gift program Name of RiderRider Shirt Size - All sizes are unisex*Small (unisex)Medium (unisex)Large (unisex)Extra Large (unisex)My ride is...In Honor OfIn Memory OfName*$5,000 or more welcomes you to Sharsheret's exclusive Jewel Circle (** Please note participation in this event is not included in your Annual Jewel Circle Membership.Bike reservation is secured once you receive official confirmation and next steps documentation from Sharsheret.Contributions excluding the ticket value of $100 are tax deductible.