Registration by Donor Advised Fund, Check, Stock Transfer and Cryptocurrency To donate with a credit card, click here. Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email* Cell Phone*My gift will be made by:* Check Communal Fund Stock Transfer Cryptocurrency Our Sharsheret TAX ID is 13-4198529Your donation will help support Sharsheret's programs and services:* $50,000: 1 semester of lifesaving cancer educational programming on 75 college campuses $25,000: Financial support for 10 women going though cancer treatment $10,000: 1 nationwide cancer webinar featuring top medical experts $5,000*: Cultural competency trainings for 400 medical professionals caring for Jewish women $1,800: Caregiver information kits and 10 family counseling sessions $500: Toys, games and parenting resources for 8 families $250: Welcome kit and patient navigation session *With a donation of $5,000 and above, we welcome you to Sharsheret’s exclusive Jewel Circle. Learn more at My gift is in honor of: Select All Joy Goldsmith Amanda Goldsmith Fein Dr. Robert S. Alter Maya Bernstein Aidel Miller Menachem Pinter Ellen and Rabbi Dale Polakoff Check here to make your gift in memory of Sharsheret's Founder Rochelle Shoretz A"H.