Thriving Again: Metastatic Cancer

Thriving Again: Metastatic Cancer

Whether you were diagnosed 10 weeks ago, 10 months ago, 10 years ago, we offer resources and support to help you navigate your entire survivorship journey. Learn more about survivorship, create your personalized survivorship care plan, and customize your free survivorship kit.

Each kit includes an exercise pedometer and information on health and nutrition, genetics, bone health, and psychosocial support as a breast cancer survivor.

You can further customize your kit by selecting a free healthy living cookbook, as well as printed resources.

Request the Thriving Again Survivorship Kit.

Our Clinical Team will contact you to tailor your resources and request your mailing address prior to shipping.

Thriving Again Metastatic Survivorship Kit Order Form

  • Hospital Affiliation (if any)

The Thriving Again program is made possible with generous support from:


Sharsheret does not endorse or promote any specific medication, treatment, product, or service.