Questions To Consider When Choosing Your Treatment Team
Questions To Ask Yourself
Do I feel at ease and comfortable with this doctor?
Do I feel heard and understood?
Were my concerns, feelings and questions validated, taken seriously and addressed?
Was the commute to the hospital or clinic and the parking doable?
What’s the office staff like, and how is their procedure for making or changing an appointment?
Am I comfortable with being treated at the hospital that they are affiliated with?
Did the team take my caregivers’ wellbeing into account?
Questions To Ask Your Medical Team
What’s the procedure for an after-hours emergency or if you are away on a scheduled vacation?
In an emergency, what’s the likelihood of being seen the day of, or having a call returned by you
Who else can I be in contact with if you are not available?
Who else on your team can help me navigate next steps?
Will you be in communication with the other doctors who are treating me?
How would you feel if I wanted to get a second opinion?
Do you keep updated on clinical trials?
Do you offer any additional services during recuperation after surgery or while undergoing
treatment (e.g. acupuncture, yoga, counseling, alternative therapies, cold caps)?
It’s really important that I still be able to __________ after treatment. Will you be able to help
me accomplish that?
For additional questions to consider when discussing treatment, please click here.
Click here for a printable version of these questions.
If you have any personal questions or concerns, contact Sharsheret’s clinical team at [email protected].
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