Rosh Hashanah Donation by Donor Advised Fund, Check, Stock Transfer, or International Currency To donate with a credit card, click hereName* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email* Cell Phone*My gift will be made by:* Donor Advised Fund Check Stock Transfer International Currency* * In addition to USD, Sharsheret can accept CAD, ILS and GBPGift Levels:* $10,000 $7,500 $5,000* $3,600 $2,500 $1,800 $500 $360 $180 $100 $54 *With a donation of $5,000 or more we welcome you to Sharsheret’s Jewel Circle. Learn more by contacting Sara Steinberg at [email protected] or 201-661-6858. Tribute My gift is in honor/memory of a loved one (please specify below) Dedication InformationFor gifts of $18 and above, we will gladly send an acknowledgment e-card and for gifts of $36 and above, we will gladly mail an acknowledgement card. Please enter the name and address or email of the recipient of the dedication so that we may notify them of your dedication. Check here to make your gift in memory of Sharsheret's Founder Rochelle Shoretz A"H. This gift will be matched by my employer's matching gift program. I am interested in learning more about Sharsheret’s Legacy Giving program.