Sharsheret Supports is a culturally-relevant program designed to assist in the development and maintenance of local, free breast cancer and ovarian cancer programs and support groups. Sharsheret Supports combines local breast cancer resources with Sharsheret’s vast national expertise and culturally-sensitive resource materials.
The Sharsheret Supports Partners of Excellence program recognizes and supports the efforts and activities of Sharsheret Supports partners who coordinate successful culturally-relevant and community-based breast cancer and ovarian cancer support and education programs. Partners of Excellence will receive financial support and national recognition of their culturally-relevant support and education programs.
Partner Expectations:
Sharsheret welcomes applications from current Sharsheret Supports partners in good standing. Partners of Excellence will be expected to meet the following goals:
- Training: Schedule an annual cultural competency webinar or in-person training (presented by Sharsheret) for the organization’s staff.
- Needs Assessment: Conduct a focus group and/or community survey once in every 3-year cycle to ensure that the support and education programs developed will meet the needs of the community.
- Community Program: Offer at least one free annual community education program and/or support group.
- Referral: Refer local women and families to Sharsheret for national support and resources, as appropriate.
- Public Relations: Promote Sharsheret and the Sharsheret Supports partnership on partner websites and in all relevant publications.
- Evaluation: Provide a brief written report at the end of each year of the 3-year cycle.
Sharsheret Support and Recognition:
In support of those who are accepted as a Sharsheret Supports Partner of Excellence, Sharsheret will offer:
- Financial Support: Award $2,400 to be dispersed in 3 equal installments at the beginning of each year of the 3-year cycle.
- Partner Recognition: Recognize partner member as a Sharsheret Supports Partner of Excellence online and in print resources.
- Program Development Support: Provide ongoing program development guidance by a member of Sharsheret’s Support Staff.
- Clinical Supervision: Provide ongoing clinical supervision for support group facilitators by a member of Sharsheret’s Support Staff.
Request a Sharsheret Supports Partners of Excellence application