Southeast Social DAF Form Southeast Social 2024 To donate with a credit card, click here. Click Here to Sponsor the Southeast Social. To return to the previous page, click here.Name* First Last Address* Street Address Address Line 2 City State / Province / Region ZIP / Postal Code Email* Cell Phone*My gift will be made by:* Check Communal Fund Stock Transfer Charitable Trust International Currency Our Sharsheret TAX ID is 13-4198529Your donation will help support Sharsheret's programs and services:* $50,000: Lifesaving cancer educational programming on 75 college campuses (30 Tix & Add’l Benefits) $25,000: Financial support for 10 women going through cancer treatment (20 Tix & Add’l Benefits) $18,000: Online support group and workshops for 18 women living with metastatic cancer (15 Tix & Add’l Benefits) $10,000: 2 nationwide cancer webinars with top medical experts (10 Tix & Add’l Benefits) $5,000*: Cultural competency trainings for 400 medical professionals (5 Tix & Add’l Benefits) $3,600: Toys, games and parenting resources for 20 families (4 Tix & Add’l Benefits) $2,500: Healthy living, nutrition & fitness kits for 25 cancer survivors (3 Tix & Add’l Benefits) $1,000**: Makeup kits and tutorials for 10 women (2 Tix & Program Listing) $360: 2 Tickets $236: Young Leadership 2 Tickets (30 and Under) $180: 1 Ticket $118: 1 Young Leadership 1 Ticket (30 and Under) Take advantage of Additional Benefits: *With a donation of $5,000 and above, we welcome you to Sharsheret’s exclusive Jewel Circle. Learn more at **All gifts of $1000 or more received before November 29, 2024 will be recognized in the program listing. Contributions excluding the ticket value of $120 per person are tax deductible.I am attending:* Yes No Number of Attendees* Names of Attendees(if not attending, please write n/a)* Please list my name in the program as (For gifts of $1000 or more): My contribution is in honor of: Community Champion Jamie Greenwald Gurvitch My contribution is in honor of: Community Champion Stacey Lieberman My contribution is in honor of: Maimonides Award Recipient Dr. Gary Rosenbaum Sharsheret's Founder Rochelle Shoretz, A''H My gift is in memory of Sharsheret’s Founder Rochelle Shoretz, A”H Employer's Matching Gift & Legacy Giving Program My gift will be matched by my employer’s matching gift program. I am interested in learning more about Sharsheret’s Legacy Giving program.