Dream It. Achieve It.
When our niece was diagnosed with breast cancer in her mid-20’s, there were limited to no resources for young women, let alone young Jewish women, with breast cancer. Our niece, a mother of two young children, went through treatment and the cancer would go into remission for several years. Unfortunately, it would not stay away forever. After battling valiantly for another six years, she would finally succumb to what undoubtedly was a scary disease for a young mother.
This type of story has likely played out in this fashion time and again. But in the case above, we can rewind the story. After her first bout of cancer, our niece decided to never allow another young mother to have to face breast cancer alone. Her dream was to educate families, and to show how one could make cancer a bit less scary for young children, and how families may cope with such an illness. Never one to let a dream just fade, our niece took action. Our niece, Rochie, founded Sharsheret.
Rochie’s real dream was that Sharsheret wouldn’t just be synonymous with her name. She wanted it to be one where every person who ever got involved became a member of the link in that chain. That chain spans continents and years. By supporting Sharsheret’s many causes, we all get to be a part of that chain, and we ensure that a young mother’s dream will never fade.