Live From the 33rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium: Obesity and Breast Cancer
By: Rochelle Shoretz, Sharsheret Founder and Executive Director
As Sharsheret staff members travel around the country, we are constantly asked, “What more can we do to help ourselves?” Now we have clinical data suggesting that obesity at diagnosis is associated with inferior outcomes in some breast cancers. The implication of this study is critical to the Jewish community where food is central to our collective cultural experiences. On the heels of Chanukah, where we celebrate with deliciously unhealthy foods such as potato pancakes and jelly donuts, we need to raise our awareness as to the impact our diets may have on our health. Click here to read the new emerging research from the 33rd Annual San Antonio Breast Cancer Symposium. We suspect you may have thoughts about this topic. Post your comments below to continue this important conversation.