Meet our Team Sharsheret ING NYC Marathon Athletes: Simon Cadranel and Sarah Feit
I’m running to support Sharsheret because it helps supports women and families facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Such a simple concept, but so incredibly valuable: to have someone to talk to about what you are going through, to tell you things you ought to know about the process or to share their experiences with you. How much of a difference does Sharsheret make in people’s lives? All the world.
I have decided to run as part of Team Sharsheret for many reasons. I am running as a tribute to my father, a clinical psychologist, who devoted much of his life to helping children with cancer and in memory of my two Aunts, Judy and Lily, who both passed away recently from cancer. My family and children might need me around in the years to come, so, yes, I am running to get in shape, be healthy and, please G-d, run marathons with potential future grandchildren! Most importantly, though, I am running to help Sharsheret continue its mission to change the face of cancer. No one should have to face breast cancer alone. As Sharsheret strides into its second decade, with your support, no one will have to face ovarian cancer alone either.
Please give a generous donation. Read the Sharsheret website at and learn about how Sharsheret supports women and families. Many thanks in advance.
Hopefully my alarm clock will go off on November 6th and I’ll see you at the finish line!
Unfortunately, everyone has felt the impact of cancer on their lives. That ugly “c” word is one of the greatest health challenges of our time. Since Sharsheret’s founding in 2001, women who used to have to face the fight against cancer alone no longer have to face that struggle in solitude. Sharsheret is a national not-for-profit organization supporting young women and their families facing breast cancer and ovarian cancer. Sharsheret has changed the way Jewish women face these challenges. The myriad of supportive programs have helped thousands fight this disease in an environment of love, guidance, and support. Research has shown that the greatest antidote to cancer is a positive outlook. Sharsheret makes that happen. Each time I watch the videos I become instantly inspired by the work of Sharsheret. Please check them out at
Two years ago I chaired a kickboxing fundraiser for Sharsheret, which was very successful in both raising funds as well as awareness. I now want to take the next step. I want to physically give of myself and run for the women who are not yet well enough to run. As I train I often envision myself running alongside the real heroes who battle this disease every day. I truly believe that the burden of this illness belongs on all our shoulders. While some may be fighters and survivors, it is the job of the rest of us to be up lifters, supporters, cheerleaders. My race reflects my commitment in our united fight against cancer. Please join me in that fight by helping me reach my goal to support the wonderful, life changing programming of Sharsheret.