Moishe House Seattle Pink Shabbat Dinner
We didn’t know what to expect. We set five tables with pink tablecloths, pink plates, and pink utensils. The food was all cooked and ready, now we were waiting for young Jews in the Seattle area to show up to our home. About 15 minutes before 6:30 pm (our called start time) people started showing up. First a few individuals here and there, next a bunch of couples, and finally the big groups. Before we knew it we had 48 people sitting down for Kiddush (blessing over the wine) and Motzeh (blessing over the bread), with another 15 or so walking through the door throughout the rest of the night. The dinner was a huge success and there was an incredible energy in the room, and because of that energy I was a bit nervous to stop the dinner and speak about Sharsheret. However, as soon as I stood up to speak the room quickly became quiet, and I successfully delivered my few words about Sharsheret and its founder Rochelle Shoretz – I had the pleasure of hearing her speak when she came to visit the University of Maryland a few years back. After I finished, we opened the floor to anyone at the dinner that wanted to say a few words about breast cancer or cancer in general. Two people delivered incredible impromptu speeches, one of whom was a young woman who discussed her friend’s recent battle with cancer. She described the indelible impact Sharsheret had in helping her friend, a recent college graduate, navigate a new, and challenging part of her life.
The dinner was an incredible success and we are very thankful Sharsheret could be a part of it. We are blessed to further Sharsheret’s mission in supporting Jewish women and their families in their fight against breast cancer.