My Pies For Prevention Connection
What drew me to Pies for Prevention? I grew up in Palo Alto, California the same town where the founders of this incredible initiative Sharon Weider and Adeena Sussman grew up. Not only was I friends with both Sharon and Adeena, I had the privilege to know their mother, Stephanie Sussman and their grandmother Anne Nadritch who both passed away from ovarian cancer. Although I didn’t know Anne well she was always a refined, warm, outgoing lady. Stephanie, I knew well.
In a small, orthodox, Jewish community like Palo Alto you get to know your fellow orthodox neighbors well. Stephanie and her husband, Stan, were major forces in the Orthodox community in Palo Alto. She was involved in all aspects of the community and synagogue. Kosher food was not easy to come by in the Bay Area many years ago, and Stephanie sold kosher cheese out of her home to make it easier for people in the community to obtain kosher food. She organized the kiddush in synagogue every week for many years, which involved shopping and setting it up every week.
Stephanie was always busy with the shul and busy raising her beautiful family. She and Stan were friends with my parents, but I also felt she was my friend. She was an incredible cook and baker and hosted many people for Shabbat as well as events in the community. She was a talented hostess who was always willing to share recipes. I can only imagine how proud she would be of her daughters and what they have accomplished in the fight against ovarian cancer and their partnership with Sharsheret. I know that I am proud to call them friends and I feel privileged to have known their mother.
I am so happy to have once again organized the Englewood Pies for Prevention 2018 with my friends, Sarah Blum and Danielle Druck.