Running For Rochelle
I am truly honored to be part of Team Sharsheret for the second year. Last year when I ran in the NYC half marathon, I received an email the Friday before the race from Rochelle Shoretz wishing me good luck. In the email she wrote how she wished she could be running with me but unfortunately she wasn’t feeling up to running. I promised her I would run the race with her in mind. Ruchi was on my mind the entire race and thoughts of her inspired me throughout New York City. It was truly one of the most incredible experiences I have ever had. I promised myself that for as long as I could, I would be part of Team Sharsheret.
This year more than ever, I am running this race for Rochelle Shoretz z”l. Rochelle, even though you are not here to send me an email, you will be inspiring me more than ever with your incredible spirit and drive. You were an exceptional person and I was honored to know you. You were and will always be the heart and soul of Sharsheret.
I’m honored to be part of Team Sharsheret and I couldn’t think of any better team to be part of!