How I Found Sharsheret On My Campus
Sharsheret was introduced into my life upon joining Alpha Epsilon Phi at Tulane University. Throughout my life, I have witnessed family and friends and the struggles they have faced surrounding breast cancer. I could only wish that they had had Sharsheret as a support system through those trying times. A member of my chapter’s mother was unfortunately diagnosed with breast cancer a few years back. Unsure of what to do, she looked to Sharsheret as well as her sisters of Alpha Epsilon Phi as a community of support. Her daughter is a proud member of AEPhi and a big advocate of Sharsheret. The community of support from Sharsheret is undeniable. This has driven me to want to do my part in any way possible for Sharsheret. In the last year as the Vice President of Philanthropy, I, along with my team, have worked hard to raise money for such a special cause. Through celebrating national pink day, hosting a pink Shabbat, having a “Pie a Phi” event and finally, throwing a Fashion Show, our chapter has fortunately been able to be involved in many meaningful ways. Each of these events helped spread the word about this important foundation across campus. Our Fashion Show alone gathered about 250 women on campus and together we raised over $4,000. Thank you to our amazing chapter that has supported all of our efforts as well as everyone who has donated along the way. We could not have done it without you!