Sharsheret Teleconference Explored Prophylactic Surgery for Breast and Ovarian Cancer

Sharsheret Teleconference Explored Prophylactic Surgery for Breast and Ovarian Cancer

You can now listen to an audio recording of Sharsheret’s national teleconference, Prophylactic Surgery for Breast and Ovarian Cancer: How Will it Affect Me?, recorded on December 22, 2010. The teleconference featured acclaimed author Dina Roth Port (Previvors: Facing the Breast Cancer Gene and Making Life Changing Decisions), personal stories about the impact of prophylactic surgery on personal and family life shared by Sharsheret Peer Supporters, and Sharsheret’s Clinical Supervisor, Shera Dubitsky, MEd, MA, who discussed the psychosocial and physical side effects of prophylactic surgery for breast and ovarian cancer.

The teleconference was made possible with generous support from The Gorlin Family Foundation, Julius and Emmy Hamburger Memorial Fund, and Stephanie Sussman and Ann Nadrich Memorial Fund.

Listen to Sharsheret’s National Teleconference, Prophylactic Surgery for Breast and Ovarian Cancer: How Will it Affect Me?, share your comments, and read comments posted by other listeners.
