Staying Strong
December 11, 2015 marked 6 years since I was diagnosed with Stage 2b Triple Negative breast cancer. I am dancing with NED (No Evidence of Disease) and hope that I continue to do so for a very long time!
I had 7 surgeries and months of chemo. I experienced some unusually severe side effects from treatment that resulted in hospitalizations and long-term implications, but in spite of everything, from the day I was diagnosed, I was positive and strong. My mom always taught us to be strong and I was determined to win this battle. I am so very proud of myself that I was able to do it, staying strong and positive always, and never ever giving up hope. Just like my Mom taught me. No matter what, I was determined to win this battle. I stayed at Hope Lodge which is a wonderful, wonderful place, and I met so many wonderful new “friends for life”.
I first heard about Sharsheret when I left Hope Lodge after finishing all my treatment and surgeries. I received a wonderful survivorship package which was amazing, and which I continue to use. I only wish I had known about Sharsheret when I was first diagnosed. I wanted to give back so I asked about becoming a Peer Supporter and became one. I enjoy it so very much, because I know how I felt and being my own caregiver, it was especially difficult, and how important it was and is to have someone to talk to who knew exactly what I was going through. I am so very proud to be a Peer Supporter for Sharsheret. I want to do whatever I can to help other people so they always know that they are not alone.