Switching Roles
When Rochelle Shoretz, Sharsheret’s Founder, passed away, social media was overflowing with articles about Rochelle, her life, her legacy and her organization, Sharsheret. I was amazed by all that she did and accomplished, and by the amazing organization she created. Little did I know that Sharsheret would be the clutch I needed in the coming few weeks. During all of this, one routine test led to more tests, leading to the diagnosis of breast cancer for my mom. My mom has been there for me day and night. Being a full time working mom of three, I had to teach myself as an adult that it was okay to ask your mom for help, and boy have I. But now things would have to change and she would have to take a step back and we would have to focus on her. It was now my job to stand by and be there for my mom in any way she needed or wanted. No one ever wants to hear the word “cancer”, no matter how young or how old you are. But a big lesson that I have learned is everyone has their own way of facing cancer, and whichever way you choose is the right way. I am the type of person that needs to read more, talk about things, and hear other people’s stories. So, I immediately reached out to Sharsheret. Sharsheret was there for me sending me educational materials, for support, and as a friend to “talk” to. I wanted to know everything and be on top of things, and know what can be expected on the cancer road. Nothing about this road has been easy or predictable but I am looking ahead to the light at the end of the tunnel, and I cannot wait to touch that light and sing and dance the happy dance of goodbye to cancer. Most of all I cannot wait to switch back roles and ask my mom for help.