Unexpected Twists in the Road – A Message for Team Sharsheret ING NYC Marathon

Unexpected Twists in the Road – A Message for Team Sharsheret ING NYC Marathon

You’ve been training for months – some of you with Coach Moe, some of you in pairs, others going at it solo.  You found a routine – the time of day you prefer to run, the gear you wear, the route you take.  You set a course and began to feel prepared.  And then, in the middle of October, it snowed.  The power went out in some towns.  The streets were littered with fallen trees.  It became too dark to run in the evening without street lights.  The gear you wore seemed inadequate in freezing temperatures.  The route you ran was blocked off for repairs.

More than any other Team Sharsheret, this year’s ING NYC Marathon team has faced lots of unexpected twists in the road to Sunday’s race.  For some, it was natural disaster, like the storm that hit us last week.  For others, it was physical disaster – twisted ankles and pulled muscles.  But on Sunday, you will all find a way to the finish line.  The determination and strength you have shown us mirrors the determination and strength we see every day in the women and families of Sharsheret.  Young lives may have veered from their normal, healthy, paths – but in the end, our Sharsheret families find their way to the finish line with the very grace we have come to expect from all of you.

Thank you for helping us raise awareness of Sharsheret’s 11 national programs.  Thank you for helping us bring critical dollars to support our important work.  And thank you for reminding us all that when one road is littered with obstacles, there is another one waiting to bring us to the finish line, a celebration with friends, family, and loved ones.

We’re cheering you on and so very grateful!  We invite all of our Sharsheret friends to join us this Sunday at the Team Sharsheret cheering station (located at 92nd and 1st, East side of the street, North and South corners) from 12:30 – 3:30 p.m. to cheer on our incredible athletes!


