Why a Half? Why Sharsheret?
I never ran, not a mile , not if I was late and probably not even if my life would have depended on it. So why now? Why a half? Why Sharsheret? The answer is: My mom-Solange Oliel. The amazing woman I had the privilege of calling maman. She lived life beautifully and she LOVED. She loved us: her children and grandchildren, her husband, her parents, her sisters and friends, her brothers and sisters in law. She loved tennis and painting, music and the arts, flowers and birds, her garden and her home, beautiful tables and tiny figurines, holidays and festive occasions… she loved life. Unfortunately, she passed away last September after a 5 and a half year battle with Ovarian Cancer which she fought relentlessly and fearlessly. I am grateful for the support Sharsheret has given me in holding this year’s Pies for Prevention in West Orange in honor of my mom, and so I am running to give back, to raise awareness and to continue the fight for others. I know she will be besides me, pushing me when I run and at the finish line cheering, her arm held high – PROUD.